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Portrait of Johannes Knoops


Johannes Knoops

  • School of Art and Design
  • Interior Design

In Search of Aldus Pius Manutius, a campo Sant'Agostin

Aldus Pius Manutius was a humanist, educator and publisher who revolutionized the world of printing. He is considered the father of the modern paperback. He even gave us the first italic fonts. Despite its formidable reputation, the Aldine Press’s first location in Venice has been in scholarly dispute ever since 1828. This booklet firmly establishes the press’s true location.

Cover of In Search of Aldus Pius Manutius, a campo Sant'Agostin

How did you first come up with the idea for this work?
A curator suggested I review his suspicions because of my knowledge of architecture.

What was your research process like?
Long and layered. It involved mapping, digital reconstructions of the context in 1500 as well as traditional research.

How long did you work on this before it was published?
2+ years.

Does this work relate to your role at FIT? If so, how?
It used many of the same digital skills I share with my students.

What was your biggest challenge? What was most rewarding?
Getting the Commune of Venice to review the work was both the biggest and most rewarding aspect.

Is there other information we should know?
It needs to be developed into a journal article to truly be recognized academically.

  • Professor at FIT since Fall 2007